Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Good Grief....the state of it all....

So then...police patrolling the streets of my quiet fishing village...
Well, ok, it's maybe not that quiet, as it is tourist season and St Ives is quite a popular tourist destination, but there is usually no trouble.
When there has been trouble after 4pm [when the St Ives police station closes], the police [in the past at least] have had to travel more than 10 miles from either Penzance or Camborne. This means that a fight could break out, a shop could be turned over, or someone could have abused whoever...before the police even thought about entering the outskirts of the main town.

There are police on the "beat", something which is usually only seen on New Years Eve etc....
There are police driving up and down the main street....
There is more than often a constable within shouting distance.
Oh...and they all have notepads and pass the pubs regularly.

This has only been the case since the 1st of this month.
That says only one thing to me....
It is important that people do not smoke in public houses/do not drop their cigarette ends on the pavement etc....
Murders, rapes, abuse of any kind, robbery and all other serious crimes are far less important than catching someone "sparking up"????????
Whoever decided that this was sooo important should pull their head [and the one or two brain cells that it contains] OUT of their arsehole....and realise that some things are, and have always been, more important than passive smoking!!

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