Saturday, 30 June 2007
Oh it tires me! No...really it does. I get depressed walking around Tescos. I get upset eating "white" bread. No offence Messrs Hovis, Warburton etc....but I feel that I am old enough to choose whether I wish to eat wholemeal [etc...] or strong white flour. Sometimes I love a bit of brown, wholemeal, granary, malted and [god forbid] even the occasional slice of lightly toasted multigrain [however, please note - not good if you wear falsies - teeth that is, not breasts, which I don't....either that is!] The thing is, I feel I am more than capable of making the decision to buy this bread when I feel like doing so. When I wish to buy white bread, made with [wait for it] strong white flour....bugger me, I can't!! All [or at least most] of the well known brands now put a 50/50% blend of white and wholegrain flour into their white. The only way I can avoid this is to buy cheap "own brand" supermarket bread! I realised the other day that they have even sneaked it into [my once favourite] Hovis "Cobbles"...There I was [picture the scene] sitting [thanks] munching away on my white roll, when lo and behold, I had to remove a rather large husk from my [ewww] teeth.
NOW, the thing is, I have no objection to finding whole bits of grain in my bread when they are supposed to be there. I expect it.
BUT when you want that nice smooth white soft roll/cob/bap [depending on your regional preference] you just don't expect anything but!
It's like if someone pours you [as my dad once did] a glass of blackcurrant juice in a wine glass...
It looked like wine. I was expecting wine. By christ it tasted like shit. I like blackcurrant juice [or at least I used to!] but if you are expecting something and you get something else it just doesn't work!!!
How long, I wonder, before the supermarkets follow suit and climb upon the bandwagon? Will I really have to bake all my own bread to get what I want to eat? Give me a break, it's the last thing I want to do after I have been cooking for other people all day at work!
Same goes for all this "low salt" etc stuff...I don't disagree with the sentiment, and if people are on a diet for health reasons then they should be able to buy low salt alternatives, but it should not be forced upon us!
Thankyou and goodnight!
Andy x
Friday, 29 June 2007
Oh dear...
Actually, I think I will leave it! Hah....
Thursday, 28 June 2007
However, I have to disagree entirely when it comes to Public Houses and the like. I'm sorry, but the government saying that it is for the good of people's health is completely nonsensical. I could see the point if they were using a gym as the example...but (or did I miss something!?) surely to God people don't go and pour a few gallons of ale/wine/cherry brandy down their necks for the sake of their health????
I also heard (i'm not 100% on this but it came from a reliable source) that the House of Commons is exempt from this ban....ahem??
I am in no way saying that smoking is a good idea, neither am I suggesting that people should take it up as a pastime, but for f**ks sake...leave people be and let them get on with it. At least if you are a non-smoker then you can go to a restaurant etc...There should be somewhere for smokers to go too! Surely everyone should be able to choose?? Hmmm...
Come on now Mr Brown...if you are going to waste a few years in power making false promises that you will (inevitably) break...the very least you could do is lift this insane ban...
I also read (from a reputable source) that taxes on tobacco contributed to the government are well over and above the amount spent by the NHS on smoking related there!!
Monday, 25 June 2007
And so we begin....
![[ WebSite]](
Well, it's raining here in [Un]Sunny's my day off so it's to be expected. (That's not just me being pessimistic - everyone has noticed it always rains when i'm not at work!!)
Actually, whilst I have been trying to think of something to put 'ere it has stopped raining (but I think this is due to the gathering of a rather nasty looking cloud up above...obv. it's wanting to save every drop for that!)
Oh doesn't really matter today as I have been working hard at getting a few more of my songs sorted (editing and pre-final mixdown production) ready to put up on the website, in the vain hope that someone eventually says "blimey...I like - have a load of cash"
It won't happen....not in my lifetime anyway!!
Maybe I should cut off half my left ear and shoot myself a la Van Gogh...